It seems like I lost my childhood looking back. My mom didn't want me either after my dad passed away when I was very little.That experience alone, in retrospect, was sufficient to make me hide.Maybe that made me a target because I was a young boy who was sad and missed his dad.

John is a 25-year-old recent medical graduate who has successfully completed college and is about to begin a career in medicine. John has sought counseling to address his past experiences with abuse.

The fact that this young, intelligent, and charming youngster appeared to be relieved after sharing his story during this specific interview made it all the more noteworthy. He was obviously delighted to be rid of the weight of his childhood based on his body language.He was able to look more directly at me this time, stood up straight, and smiled without effort.

In order to recover from this kind of trauma, you must face it and realize that what happened to "you" does not define you. When survivors share their stories and are believed, there is hope for recovery.

 After his father passed away when he was five, his mother abandoned him, and he spent the next two years in foster care. He suffered physical and sexual abuse while residing in these houses. He was constantly informed that he was a useless person, not anything and that his mother didn't want anything to do with him, which is why he was placed in foster care. He was assaulted, knocked down a number of stairs, and then lifted by his hair.

 The fact that he was never allowed to celebrate his birthday didn't really matter at the time because all he had wanted was a loving family. 

He was thrilled to be released from the foster care system when he turned seven and his grand parents were granted custody of him. He believed it was the nicest thing that had ever happened, but two weeks later, the euphoria abruptly vanished.

When he awoke one morning, his stepfather and him were the only ones left because his Nana had left for work. He entered his room as he was ready to get out of bed and sat down, taking full advantage of him. He dragged him out of bed and into the shower, where he assaulted him sexually.

There were occasions when his abuser would grasp him until he passed out and knew his life was in danger. Then, without any resistance, he was often raped. Then he would give him alcohol and drugs.

He kept doing this to him for months. On one occasion, he questioned him, "What would you do if I told someone?"If you tell anyone, I'll hurt you, the man threatened as he drew his belt. You will have no one and I will return you to foster care. He was afraid to return to foster care, so he was forced to endure and deal with the abuser for nine years.

My childhood was stolen by this man! John screamed in agony. His life, trust, and sense of self. He was changed into a young boy who endured constant terror and bore his identity's disgrace. His life was an absolute torment every day.

When he reached adolescence, he realized he couldn't survive in the environment he was in and he was desperate to leave.As soon as he began, he hurt himself. Up until the age of 18, he underwent numerous hospital admissions. He was in physical discomfort and his mind was elsewhere. He claimed that the abuse caused him to come dangerously close to death more times than he can count. He still does not understand how he managed to survive.

John claims that despite his best efforts, trying to ignore his memories and carry on as normal was unsuccessful.He was formerly a highly successful college student, so why did he start to perform poorly on his exams? In the past, he has always felt secure around women and uneasy around other males.He was currently experiencing a range of intense feelings. In the midst of what was intended to be a pleasant spring battle, he occasionally discovered that he was really fighting crazy because he was so overwhelmed with guilt and fury whenever his male buddies taunted him.


When a young victim of sexual abuse or trauma comes forward, I advise people to pay attention, validate, and trust them.
 Don't place the child's weight on them. For anyone to carry alone, it is too long and too heavy, but the youngster feels that it is too huge to tell. Keep them from feeling isolated. Come to their aid and save them.  
To make the time, place, and safety for sharing, parents should persistently ask the challenging question.Has someone hurt you? Why are you so furious?
Any of those questions from a responsible adult would have changed John's LIFE.

Physical injuries like cuts, bruises, or fractured bones can occur immediately to children who have been abused and neglected. They might also struggle with emotional and psychological issues like anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder.
In the context of a relationship of duty, trust, and authority, child abuse includes any forms of physical or emotional maltreatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence, and other forms of exploitation that actually or potentially affect the child's health, survival, development, or dignity.


 You may have gone through hell and experienced things that a child should never see or go through at such a young age, but you simply have to have faith in this: If you can survive the worst moments of your life, you can survive anything. Even if someone or many people try to take your life away, it is still beautiful! Just remember that you are a survivor and a courageous fighter who never gave up.


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