The women in the wall.. a soured love!

On June 2, 2023, at roughly 7:30 am. My sister had cramp-like feelings when she woke up. At 8:05 am, contractions began, arriving every two minutes and becoming harder with each one. We left our house at 9:27 am and drove the nearly 20 miles to the hospital. At one point I noticed that she was pushing, and as soon as I reached down, I could feel that she was progressing much more quickly than I had anticipated. She stated in a voice that was nearly faint, "We're not going to make it to the hospital." Sam, her husband, assured her that we would as he continued to drive. My Marrow almost came out of me because she held me tightly with her left hand almost squeezing life out of me. and with four powerful pushes her baby girl was born. .Despite our excitement and fright we kept on driving to the hospital. To be sure she was hers, she continued looking at her. She had already fallen in love with her child the instant she realized there wa...