Rape is a brutal and heinous act that leaves its victims shattered and traumatized. The physical and emotional scar can last for a life time.Rape victims often suffer from past traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression.They may struggle with relationships, have trouble concentrating, sleeping, and can also develop substance abuse problems. Recovering from rape is a long and difficult road, but it is possible with the right support , victims can heal and go on to leave a happy and fulfilling.
When some one is raped, the immediate aftermath is often shrouded in confusion and disbelief.Rape is a shocking and violent act, and it can take a while for the victim to process what happened.In the hours and days after a rape, victims often experience a range of emotion, including disbelief, anger, shame, and fear.
Many victims play the assault over and over in their mind and spirit.
Many victims play the assault over and over in their mind and spirit.
The physical psychological effect of rape can be devastating and long lasting.Victims may feel shock, fear, betrayed ashamed and guilt.They may even blame themselves for the attack or feel like they are not worthy of love.The isolated and alone attitude of a rape victim leads to a horrific and traumatic painful life's event which they will carry with them for the rest of their life.
The criminal justice system almost never brings perpetrators of sexual violence to office.Society often make excuses for perpetrators or find a reason why victims and survivors "ASKED" for what happened to them or some how deserved it.
People so often don't believe victims and survivors whether that's family and friends. The police, jurors or people reading about cases in the news.
9 in 10 girls and young women in school are being sent unwanted "DICK PICS" and other images of sexual nature .
1 in 2 survivors of rape in adulthood have experience it more than once.
Most survivors of rape don't report it to the police,. Many say its because they are too embarrassed, that they think it will be humiliating or that the police couldn't help.Rape is essential decriminalized in the world at large.In other words, most perpetrators of rape get away with it and never face justice. All of this is bad enough. But what makes it even worse is the message it sends.The fact that our society thinks sexual violence and abuse is okay, or at least not bad.
Sometimes , we also talk about women and girls being "OBJECTIFIED" on hyper sexualized from a young age.By this time , we mean they are viewed as object that exist to entertain , serve and satisfy men's pleasure.
Well, we believe its because we live in a society where men hold the most power , what is sometimes known as 'PATRIARCHY'
Its not coincidence that the majority of victims and survivors of sexual violence are women and girls. Or that most perpetrators are men .Because , when society views women and girls as less deserving of respect and power than men and boys , it treats them that way too!
If you or some one you know has been raped, it is important to see professional help.There are many organization that can provide support and assistance to victims of rape, and help them to heal and recover from this traumatic experience.
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